It seems only the other day when my sister,was chiding Pooja and Bashir for making me wait inordinately for a grand child.Little would I know then that we would be blessed with a sweet grandson who is now a year old. Here he is... trying to tell you how the year was They say 16th September 2012 was a very special day.They all came after lunch to Breach Candy hospital where Mum delivered and at 3:06 PM I came into this world,a 6 pounder...I went home and soon was named ARYAAN. A lady masseuse would perform the oil massage and bathe me unmindful of the fact that I was crying my heart out.
In the beginning of October on my 21st day they held the KAPPU ceremony. Durri grandma cut a lock of my precious hair... Neel uncle,Razia athai's husband handed me over to Razia athai...they were playing passing the parcel..who slipped the enormous Kappu over my slender hands.It sank all the way up to my armpits and disappeared.The ones for the legs were in place.Joy thatha sang Araaro Ariraaro the lyrics for which was provided by Google.He got it all mixed up during rendition but no one complained.They wrote my name on Rice.This was followed by a great southy dinner for them after putting me to sleep I think Life was repetitive those early days.I slept,I cried,I survived on liquid diet and I slept some more..Then they put me in a play Gym where I learnt to get excited and kick my legs and move my hands.They took me to Patti's house and celebrated my first month B'day.
I was by now a regular at Marine Drive but would invariably go off to sleep in my Pram.I was just 2 months when I was made to visit Goa and spent 4 days basking in the Sun.Look what they did to me.I did not need that tan. My favourite place at home was my colorful chair where I would sit and enjoy the world around me. They would all come and say sweet nothing and expectedme to react? He He Then came Christmasand my mum and dad were distributing gifts to everybody around.I was enjoying books being read to me and was also excited by the rhythmic snap of Joy thatha's fingers.He would sing Baa Baa Black sheep which I liked. Then I went to Ooty to seemy other grandparents This was also the time I needed somebody to pat and sing "Twinkle Twinkle" for my sleep. On 16th Mar,when I was 6 months old I was introduced to a solid meal.It was a mixture of rice serial and milk in a small bowl.I lapped up spoon after spoon of the serial without fuss and asked for more!They all clapped at the wonderful experience to see a baby eating well.I loved it and asked for more.I went to Goa again and Mum put me in the pool this time.Life is tough.... I was meeting so many new people and they would take me in their arms and pet me and try and kiss me and all that.What impudence! I must tell you something else.They expected me to turn and lie on my front.But that could not be as my head was wobbly,So I managed to get out of it by crying my guts out leaving them no choice. It was now time for International travel.At 7 mo and some days I took the flight to New York and SFO to attend a wedding.What was the need?I met Mama Aditya. As if that was not enough,on 25/6 I arrived in SFO,a second time,to spend couple of weeks culminating in the Arangetram. I enjoyed the performance nodding my head vigorously and shaking my torso making everyone wonder what I was up to.I wore a Dhoti and Kurta. While in US I visited many places of interest such as the Central Park,Golden Gate National Park,Big Sur which I thoroughly enjoyed.I was 9 mo at this time. I loathed my travel to Matheran at 10 Mo when I hung on to dear life when my Dad put me in the harness,covered me in plastic and carried me thus for the next hour.He was saving me from the rain! I was back there at 11 Mo in the company of my young friends
And you think that was enough excitement for the year? Naaaaa It's a Hap Hap Happy Birthday..........
The blessings and celebrations began with the Bhori birthday on 4th September,the day chosen per Gujarati calendar.He was dressed in their traditional garb,looked like a Chote Nawab,complete with a cap to match.All the elders performed the WADAO with tender Coconuts. Wadao is akin to Dhrishti Suthal among the Hindus.As was to be expected Aryaan was finicky and had to be handled with mum mums and such to go through the proceedings which was of short duration.We had traditional and very tasty Bhori dinner thanks to Durri
His Hindu Star birthday arrived two days later on the 6th.We took him to Fanaswadi (Girgaum) Balaji temple and performed Archanai there.He was very well behaved inspite of the sultry weather and was transformed completely wearing his Dhoti and adorning a garland of marigolds.He was a bit peevish owing to lack of afternoon sleep but manageable.The Priest blessed him and we smeared kum kum on his forehead. Thus the ritual was completed.
Aryaan's birthday party was held on 14th September. The living room at PIL Ct. was decorated lavishly and no effort was spared by the duo of Durri and Razia to make the setting as adorable as the children who participated. The Motif of animals was everywhere... on the Cake, Balloons, Paper napkins,stickers,Duck shaped dinghies filled with plastic balls,Serving plates et al. There was a play pen in the centre of the room with building blocks and books and other play material. Soap bubbles were a great hit! Nursery rhymes and party music was playing in the background as the children and mothers mingled and enjoyed the show.It was a joyous occasion captured by many cameras. Aryaan was totally overwhelmed by all that was happening around him..
Travel ....brings with it the delightful responsibility of baby sitting the grand children.We are passing through such a time now as Baby Aryaan spends his day in the care of his Thatha and Patti.
I am down with the Pram in the morning to receive him from his Dad who after showering many kisses on the child hands him over. This is the
starting point of our fun filled journey through the day,as Aryaan leaps into my outstretched hands and I seat him securely in the Pram He is wheeled around the building perimeter to afford him the opportunity of a morning stroll and exchanging a few words of greeting with Cats,Crows and occasionally Dogs on leash.He enjoys these outings along with an accompanying commentary from the Grands inducing him to say...Hello Cat,Good morning Crow,Meow,KaKa, Bow Bow etc which of course he will not repeat after you.He will say "Thak" or "Bap" a mass noun to denote all and show his appreciation by way of flinging his legs and hand in excitement or watching them curiously.It is eyeball to eyeball mostly until the Cat or Aryaan gets tired and goes away.He meets many people on the way who "wish" him and want him to reciprocate but all he wants to do is to get a move on.At times it is embarrassing for the Grands but you'll have to take it in your stride and hasten lest he gets restless. After this morning exercise,it is time for his first Mum Mum of the day. Breakfast.Even as we take him out of the Pram,as he spots his breakfast bowl, he is all scream and holler to get his mouthful.By the time the Bib is tied and we are ready to feed he will bring the house down.We have done our Time and Motion study to see that the time lapse is minimized.He enjoys the mashed fruit and is in a happy mood to play after this ritual is completed.Morning Nap is next on the Agenda. Every child wants to be carried.Younger the baby more is the need to enjoy this perquisite.There is great comfort in seeing the world around you from an elevated position.What is better than a free ride? A baby that is playing suddenly gets bored/tired and seeing his Thatha doing nothing puts up its hands and cries,ready for the Carry-me-around-or-I-will-cry routine.So it is with Aryaan and I fall for it. However,his Patti has found a way out of this.She lies next to him and pats him vigorously and sees to it that he goes to sleep on his side hugging a small cushion.In spite of his whimper and cry he is sleeping in 5 minutes. My way is to carry him for 5 min and then put him on the bed and sing a Lullaby such as "Twinkle Twinkle...";Both means are effective. In about 40 min he is up and if nobody is around he lets out a wail to announce that he is ready for the world around him.He plays for a while until it is time for his lunch break or time to listen to his favorite nursery rhymes and/or read his book. HiHo , HiHo.. On wings of song we Go to distant lands come join our Band HiHo, HiHo, HiHo .... Aryaan gets into the mood and starts clapping his hands and kicks his legs to the tempo of music.He thumps on the drum whichever way he can and enjoys the sound that comes out.Stopping the music invites his wrath unless I am ready with a book. Speaking
of books,from the age of 6 mo, he has exhibited a great interest in the
written word or shall I say pictures depicted in Nursery Rhyme or "
Brown Bear Brown bear what do you see" books.Page after page you flip
and there he is enjoying the pictures with a joyful glee and egging you on to repeat the process many times over.Delight to watch
Lunch next and he wallops it if it is timed properly i.e., if he has digested his B.F. and has had a good Nap.No stories are necessary.Otherwise,after a few spoons it is vigorous shake of the head,and then we go in circles trying out milk,cheese,fruit,chappati ...anything that he fancies
Play time,Milk time and Nap time follows and we are now heading towards his Bath time.After a quick clean-up with soap he is left to himself in his Ducky tub to splash around and play
with his toys.He also likes to play with the mug.I suppose we'll see many a game as he grows out of his baby days and ways.Presently he is happy to leave the tub when we take him out and towel him dry. Now he is ready to face the outsideworld again.Off we go and follow the familiar routine of hobnobbing with the Cats and Dogs until his Mum comes to take him away from us.It is sad to see him go and the feeling is mutual judging by the expression on his face as he reluctantly leaves me for the day How he has transformed our lives ........